Elite Team: The One Who Never Gives Up Until Success!
When one meet challenges, it often comes to mind “I’m too tired!”, “Just let it be!”, “It’s really difficult!” Often one would use these excuses to persuade themselves in giving up halfway, but should there be someone who encourages you, success should be closer in sight.
One would be lucky if you could get support and encouragement from your leaders, colleagues, friends and loved ones. However, most of the time, one would need to walk down this path by ourselves & to be motivated as well as proactive under pressure.
One should tell themselves “keep moving” when faced with such dilemma.
Take a breather, “be confident in yourself of the dreams coming true”.
In the still of night, tell yourself silently “don’t give up & don’t lose confidence!”
In the 2006 American Christian drama sports film “Facing the Giants” directed by and starring Alex Kendrick, there was a famous Death Crawl scene. Shot in Albany, Georgia, the film relates to an underdog story about American football from a Christian worldview. A losing coach with an underdog football team faces their giants of fear and failure on and off the field to surprising results.
In its inspirational short clip the Death Crawl scene, the team members were instructed to do the Death Crawl (everybody crawls on the ground with a teammate on their back with their knees up). It is about 50 meters, nobody thinks they can achieve it, the members crawls only 30 meters & stops. The coach Grant Taylor asked Brock, the most influential player in the team to try it once more. The coach blindfolded Brock & didn’t want Brock to give up once he hit the 50-yard line because he knew Brock can exceed that goal. On the other hand, Brock didn’t even believe that he could get to the 50-yard line in the first place.

At the beginning of this scene, Brock’s teammates laughed at him as he attempted to make it to the 50-yard line with Jeremy on his back. In the end, they were speechless and they stood up in respect. Brock carried a 80KG man across the whole field on his arms (a total of 100 meters).
As Brock was crawling, to make Brock hold on, Grant the coach kept saying “there you go” (13 times), “that’s it”, “don’t stop” (3 times), “keep moving/going”(48 times), “don’t quit” (23 times)......., kneeing along with him.
Brock did it in the end, Grant the coach said to Brock: “God has gifted you the ability of leadership. Don’t waste it. I need you.”
A person who can give it his absolute very best can succeed, the process to reach one’s goals is extremely inspirational and motivating.
KONCAI sales team watched the video many times. In order to build and encourage teamwork spirit, KONCAI organized a team-building mountain hike to Shenzhen Lianhua Mountain Park, as well as an experience-sharing party.
Shenzhen Lianhua Mountain Park is located at the northern end of Futian Central Business District, with Hongli West Road in the south, Lianhua Road in the north, Caitian Road in the east and Xinzhou Road in the west. The park has entrances on all four sides, with the main entrance to the south.
It was christened Lianhua Mountain for its lotus-like mountain shape. The Park is covered with a large number of trees, flowers, hills and lakes. As a natural oxygen bar in the city center, it is an enjoyable place for walking & hiking. Lianhua Mountain Park is a hot spot for casual hiking in Shenzhen because the altitude is not high & is far less difficult than some other mountains. There are many tree-lined hiking trails in the northwest and north of the park & there are also two hiking trails on the south slope of the main peak that lead directly to the peak.

Walking through the trails in the mountains, you can enjoy the mountaineering fun, not too tired, climb up to about 20 minutes, very relaxed. Standing on the peak, you can overlook the central area of Futian.
On the top of the peak, you will also find the bronze statue of Deng Xiaoping with many people coming here to pay tribute to this bronze statue. KONCAI presented a bunch of flowers to the statue.
In the urban planning exhibition hall on the north side of the square, you will find the development history of Shenzhen since the reform and opening up is recorded. The whole development timeline and milestones of Shenzhen City can be seen.
KONCAI people went through the hike on Lianhua Mountain Park & realized “Anyone who can’t or doesn’t keep pace with the times will be left behind or even be eliminated eventually.”